Thursday, 26 May 2011

Simple Pleasures

Happiness. It seems to be what most of the world is groping for. And as far as I can see, they haven't had much success finding it. Wealth, relationships, fame, beauty, and hundreds of other pursuits end in dissatisfaction.

Seek not for happiness, for it is never to be found by seeking for it. ~Ellen White

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ~Matthew 6:33

I've found that when I'm seeking Jesus first, when He is what I desire above all else, happiness has a way of sneaking up behind me and smiling over my shoulder. And it often comes clothed in the simple pleasures of life--the little things so many rush past in their dash for greatness.

Over the last few months I've been keeping a list of these little joy-carriers, and every time I look over it, it reminds me that happiness isn't dependent on worldly greatness, nor do you need an Einstein brain to find it. Happiness comes to those with a Christ-focused heart, and eyes that can recognize it in it's simplest forms.

So here's my list--so far! I'll probably keep adding to it for the rest of my life. Hope it gives you a grin! You might even want to start your own. It's a ton of fun. :D

The smell of new books :-) Rain drops on a tin roof :-) Singing "Sound of Music" songs while you clean house :-) Laughing until you can't laugh anymore because your stomach hurts so bad :-) Running through a green field glowing with late-afternoon sunshine :-) A long drink of water when you're really thirsty :-) Cuddling with someone on a rainy day :-) Curling up in bed when you're totally exhausted :-) Surprises :-) Sitting quietly in the bush listening to the songs of a myriad birds :-) Warm sunshine on your face :-) The ecstatic, tail-wagging greeting of a little dog :-) Waking up in the early hours of the morning and realizing you don't have to get up yet :-) Lying in the grass making pictures out of the clouds :-) Making someone else really happy :-) A child's giggle :-) Sparkly clean windows :-) Watching a sunrise :-) Sipping hot tea on a chilly evening :-) Crickets chirping in the cool still twilight :-) Big fluffy socks on cold nights :-) Extra reading time :-) Memories that make you smile at random moments during the day :-) Scrunching warm soft earth between your toes :-) FINALLY remembering that piece of information that kept eluding you :-) A balmy sunny day after a really cold snap :-) Secrets :-) Afternoon naps :-) Running outside in the rain

Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, 23 May 2011


Yep. I'm re-entering the blogsphere. Why? Two reasons:

1) Life with Jesus as my Lord, Prince, and Best Friend is just too good not to share! Every day is an adventure, bulging with opportunities, lessons, and experiences that clamor to be told.

2) I like writing. Simple as that.

So while I'm hoping this venture will supply me with lots of good writing practice, I'm also hoping the things I scribble will bring a smile to your face and blessing to your life. If you've got the time to glance over them, that is.