"Who am I?"
The question enters,
Drills into my soul,
Cries out for an answer.
I stare at the mirror.
Inside the reflection,
"Me" hides.
Who am I?
What defines me?
Emotions? Please God, no.
Fluctuating in form and size
Like clouds darting across life's sky;
Not to be trusted.
Battling inside me,
Sensible one day, ridiculous the next.
Unruly, impatient,
Struggling beneath the hands of will and reason.
My past?
A herd of memories,
Some pleasant,
Others, looming shadows.
Panic grips me.
Everything inside, stained with self,
If this is me…
I can't bear the thought.
I look away.
My heart jumps--He is here,
Hands outstretched,
Hope in His eyes.
And then I know.
The question releases its choking grip.
Sweet freedom!
A lightness floods me
Like sunshine filling a dark valley.
He defines me.
Everything I am not,
Unselfishness incarnate,
Made sin for me--
That I might be made all that He is.
The mirror forgotten,
I slip my hand in His,
"For to me to live is Christ."