Monday 16 July 2012


A contemplative mood came over me tonight. My mind wandered back to the times in my life I've faced a big decision. I remembered my desperate groping for answers, the long periods of waiting, the gut-twisting uncertainty. And all of a sudden I realized just how wise God was to delay the answer, and take me on a journey.

"This, or that?"
I scratch my head.
All of my reasons, so carefully formed
Still crumble into uncertainty.
How can I be sure?

I throw up my hands - it's too hard!
Why can't You write it on a wall?
Send an angel?
Give me a sign?

Why are You silent?

As I stand, hesitating,
Trembling at a fork in the road,
I wonder why You always ask me to wait.

But maybe -
Just maybe -  it's not about the answer.

What if -
It's about the process?

Giving a deep desire to God
And over
And over again.

Watching Him change my thinking,
Bringing my wavering will
Into harmony with His own.
Solid and sure.

Discovering a part of me I didn't know existed.
Good, or bad.
Developing it, or rooting it out.
Becoming a stronger person.

Reveling in the nearness of my God,
His goodness,
His unutterable love,
His intense interest in my life.

The answer fades in importance.

Eventually, it will come;
That is not my concern.

I lose so much when,
Obsessed with the destination,
I do not throw myself whole-heartedly into the journey.


  1. "I lose so much when,
    Obsessed with the destination,
    I do not throw myself whole-heartedly into the journey." Amen my sister! Drawing near to God and reveling in his presence is by far, much more important than the destination. I've been thinking along these lines myself lately. It is good to be reminded yet again...wait, surrender and embrace the journey! So glad you found my blog so I can now benefit from yours, Melissa!

    1. :) It's something I need to keep reminding myself about. I'm glad we're in touch again!

  2. There's this poem I read and love called "Wait". I kept it in my bible and it reminded me that God is never anything but ontime with his answers. <3

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm excited to read your GreaThings posts!

    1. I love that poem too! I found it a few years ago and it has encouraged me so many times.

      I'm looking forward to reading your GreaThings too! :)
